We are excited to kick off our first public event with a screening of "Forks over Knives" at the Knoxville Public Library on February 4 with doors at 5pm and film starting at 5:30. Since Mint 'N More got new life this last fall with it's first employee, we have been working hard to define the vision and plan our actions. While farming and creating sustainable agriculture is a long process, we also wanted to have some quick action to show progress and get our community involved. It's clear that we first needed to work on building our community of eaters so we launched Mindful Nourishment Matters as our public advocacy operation. Of course, everyone eats in some way or another but our goal is to develop a larger community of eaters who value locally-grown, chemical-free food produced in a way that adds back to our land and ecosystem. But before you can do that, you have to disrupt thinking a bit. Modern convenience and the never ending demands of life make it too easy to pull through the drive-thru and get something fast or grab a pre-made meal at the local grocery.
So to kick off the year and introduce ourselves, why not host a night out, serve some locally grown snacks and show a film that, while a bit controversial, will spur conversation about eating habits and how they affect our health. As people in IT say, bad data in, bad data out. It's the same with what we put in our bodies.

"Forks Over Knives" sparks discussions primarily around the idea that a whole-food, plant-based diet can significantly improve health and potentially reverse chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. The film asserts we can prevent going under the proverbial "knife" if we pay attention to what's on our fork.
We are excited to see who else wants to engage in the conversation around better health, learn more about agricultural practices that enrich instead of extract, and join us in improving our community economically and environmentally. See you at the show!