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Farmer Research


Unlike traditional banks or lenders, Steward is 100%-focused on financing regenerative food systems.

Cornell Soil Health Test

The Comprehensive Assessment of Soil Health, commonly known as the Cornell Soil Health Test, is designed for farmers, gardeners, agricultural service providers, landscape managers and researchers who want to go beyond simply testing the nutrient levels of their soils.

Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education

Sustainable Ag with a North Central Region focusing on grants, education and research.

Soil Health Institute

SHI's mission is to safeguard and enhance the vitality and productivity of soils through scientific research and advancement.

Marbleseed (fka MOSES)

Marbleseed educates, inspires, and empowers farmers to thrive in a sustainable, organic system of agriculture.

Northern Plains Sustainable Ag Society

Northern Plains Sustainable Agriculture Society (NPSAS) is a nonprofit, member-based organization that promotes sustainable food systems through education and research. Members are located primarily in North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, and Montana, as well as neighboring states of Iowa, Wyoming, and Nebraska.

Organic Seed Alliance

Promoting an abundant and diverse organic seed supply, tended in perpetuity by skilled and interconnected communities.

Rodale Institute

Nonprofit conducting independent research to uncover and share regenerative organic farming practices that restore soil health, fight climate change, and fix the food system.

Rodale Institute Midwest Organic Center

The Rodale Institute Midwest Organic Center at Eztel Sugar Grove Farm provides research, education, and assistance to farmers looking to implement organic practices on their farms or diversify their crop rotations.

Seed Savers Exchange – Iowa

Seed Savers Exchange stewards America’s culturally diverse and endangered garden and food crop legacy for present and future generations. We educate and connect people through collecting, regenerating, and sharing heirloom seeds, plants, and stories.

SILT – Sustainable Iowa Land Trust

The mission of SILT is to secure, preserve and steward threatened farmland, ensuring that future generations of farmers have access to Iowa land to produce healthy food in the most sustainable ways possible.

WFAN – Women’s Food and Ag Network

WFAN is a community for food growers and land stewards who have been historically excluded from access to education, infrastructure, and support networks in agriculture.

Trees Forever

Iowa Based tree planting and promotion organization.

The Land Institute

The Land Institute co-leads the global movement for perennial, diverse, truly regenerative agriculture at a scale.

La Ferme du Bec Hellouin

Permaculture farm in France that grows enough to support a family on 1/4 acre of land.

Krameterhof Sepp Holzer

Farm in Austria that has developed Permaculture methods, available tours or seminar classes.

Permaculture Institute

Certificate and diploma program for permaculture.

Edible Forest Gardens

Promotes forest style gardens for food production.

Agriculture Beyond Organic Verification

The future of sustainable agriculture is here. ABOV certifies farms that strictly practice the best organic regenerative farming methods.

Savanna Institute

Savanna Institute supports the growth of more diverse, perennial farming in the Upper Mississippi and Great Lakes watersheds.

Market Gardner Institute

For over 20 years, they've been cultivating the land, writing and sharing knowledge to raise awareness of the vital importance of organic farming in our food system.

Fermes d'Avenir

Supporting development of agroecology in France.

Certified Naturally Grown

Certification for chemical free, ecologically grown foods.

Trusted Advisor Partnership ND

North Dakota based organization to help certified crop consultants understand soil health.

Agricultural Marketing Research Center

USDA program to assist marketing of ag products and developing markets.

National Incubator Farm Training Initiative (NIFTI)

Tech assistance, ed resources and professional development opportunities for incubator farm projects around US.

Fair Share CSA Coalition

Supports CSA's with marketing, education, farm apprenticeships.

Iowa Farmers Union

Since 1915, Iowa Farmers Union members have worked together to strengthen the independent family farm through education, legislation and cooperation and to provide Iowans with sustainable production, safe food, a clean environment and healthy communities. IFU is a grassroots member organization of family farmers and ranchers, advocates, and consumers committed to promoting family agriculture in Iowa. The key to our success is our grassroots structure, with policy positions and priorities initiated and approved by our members.

Center for Rural Affairs

We are unapologetically rural. We stand up for rural America—the small family farmer and rancher, new business owner, and rural communities.

Iowa Dept of Ag and Land Stewardship

Managing Iowa’s land stewardship and agriculture programs for the good of both city and rural Iowa residents

Understanding Ag

UA provides you, farmers and ranchers, with the guidance and tools to achieve your goals, success and profitability.

Choose Iowa

Promoting Iowa products, put forward by IDALS and supported through IEDA.

Iowa Valley Resource Conservation and Development

Johnson County , Iowa organization to have positive impact on a fuood system that nourishes people and place.

Iowa Organic Association

The Iowa Organic Association (IOA) is a statewide, 501(c)3 non-profit organization committed to organic education, advocacy and cooperation.

Practical Farmers of Iowa

Equipping farmers to build resilient farms and communities.

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Midwest Permaculture

Permaculture Design Courses on line or in person as well as many additional resources.

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